And if you’re not quite feeling up to the Russian Kettlebell Challenge because of pain or injury, please visit to find out more about Dr. Mark Cheng’s Chinese orthopedic medicine clinic in Santa Monica, California! endourses the following products. Click on any image below to order products.
Kettlebell Starter Sets for Men &Women
 For the Ladies: 12kg Starter Packge |
 Gentlemen: The 16kg starter kit |
18 lb (8 kg) kettlebell
The perfect starter weight for most ladies. This is the new, all cast-iron version, which replaces the rubber coated, thin handled version that was Dragon Door’s first offering. The new handle makes it more comfortable for training, and allows ladies to develop their grip strength with bottoms-up (aka pistol grip) presses far better than the original did. |
26 lb (12 kg) kettlebell
This kettlebell is a perfect weight for stronger women to begin with. As a rehabilitative weight, it can also be used to help men with injured shoulders regain functionality through the Turkish Get-Up. Dr. Cheng began his shoulder rehab with this 26 lb sized bell and worked his way up to a 70 lb kettlebell for Turkish Get-Ups. Smaller women will also use this size kettlebell as their testing weight for the RKC snatch test. |
35 lb (16 kg) kettlebell
The perfect starter weight for most men. Women 154 lbs and over will use this as their testing weight for the RKC snatch test. |
44 lb (20 kg) kettlebell
The 44 lb KB is a good stepping stone for people who have mastered most of their lifts and grinds with the 35 lb bell, but not yet sure they can maintain safety with the 53 lb bell. For men who work out with the 53 lb bell who are doing high-rep work, the 44 lb bell is a great one to have in your set! |
53 lb (24 kg) kettlebell
Standard issue for the Russian military, this is the testing weight for the men’s RKC snatch test. No red-blooded man should be without one in his home! Men who consider themselves “fit” should consider having a pair of these to train with. Double swings, double cleans, double presses, bear crawls, and even double snatches with a pair of 53 lb kettlebells should be part of the training for the man who considers himself “serious” about fitness and strength training. The women’s Beast Challenge uses the 53 lb kettlebell for the pistol, press, and pullup. |
62 lb (28 kg) kettlebell
Another stepping stone weight, the 62 is a great way to work your way up to the 70 lb kettlebell. |
70 lb (32 kg) kettlebell
For advanced men, this is the weight of choice. Don’t think you have to be a mutant to own and use this. Dr. Mark Cheng usually weighs just under 160 in weight and stands only 5′ 8″, yet he can snatch this for repetitions and demonstrated the Turkish Get-Up with this weight at the April 2007 RKC. And if you think you’re too old to handle this kind of bell, that’s bovine feces too! World famous martial arts authority Dan Inosanto is over 70 years old, and you can see him swinging this bell inside the Summer 2007 issue of Hard Style Magazine, featuring him on the cover. |
88 lb (40 kg) kettlebell
Nicknamed the “Bulldog”, the 88 lb kettlebell is for the badboys. If you can press a pair of these overhead, you’re one of those guys who could be the most popular guy on your local SWAT or SRT (Search and Rescue Team)! |
106 lb (48 kg) kettlebell
The BEAST!!! This bell is no joke. Believe us! Even if you can swing 2 (two) 53 lb kettlebells, swinging a Beast is a whole new mental game. The weight might be the same, but the psychological challenge isn’t. Think this is just for freaks? Maybe you’re right, but look at the Instructors page and check out the 102 lb woman swinging the Beast. Big weights don’t necessarily mean that you have to have bulky muscles. If you’re training for power and you want to be the most explosive guy on your team or in your competition, then train with the Beast and shock the hell out of your competition. |
Economy Kettlebells
Dragon Door’s Russian Red Kettlebells offer a more affordable strength and conditioning alternative to the classic US-made RKC Kettlebells
Available in 12kg, 16kg, 24kg,
and 32kg sizes. |
Books and DVDs
The Russian Kettlebell Challenge – Pavel Tsatsouline’s primer opus that broke ground on a whole new world of strength training. This DVD gives you a great insight into the basics of kettlebell training, as well as a nice overview of what’s in store for you at the higher levels. In fact, you may not be able to find this online any longer soon, as it’s being phased out by Enter the Kettlebell! |
More Russian Kettlebell Challenges – Pavel’s greatest gift might very well be the smoothness with which he rips know-it-alls out of their reticence by showing a whole new level of kettlebell training. In this DVD, he breaks down 25 new exercises that will bring a new perspective to what you learned in The Russian Kettlebell Challenge. The level of detail here is superb, and even seasoned RKCs will benefit from this finely made DVD. |
Resilient – If you’re one of those folks who loves to lift weights, but is paranoid about sacrificing flexibility, check this out! Pavel gives you so many exercises that are not only outstanding for strengthening and conditioning, but also for training and rehabilitating injuries. If you’ve been injured and you want to get back to your game, get this, study it, practice it, study it, and practice it some more! You have no clue how good this DVD and the information on it is! |
Enter the Kettlebell – Pavel Tsatsouline’s most recent addendum to The Russian Kettlebell Challenge. This new DVD blew away plenty of folks with its clear explanation of the exercises, shortcuts to serious strength, joint mobility stretching/strengthening, and a behind the scenes view of what goes into making a kettlebell. For those of you who’ve already experienced the benefits of the original Russian Kettlebell Challenge DVD, get ready to take it to a whole new level with Enter the Kettlebell! |
The Russian Kettlebell Challenge – This is the book that made the DVD possible. Add it to your library and refer to it often, Comrade! It’s on the required reading list for everyone in the KettlebellsLosAngeles crew. In fact, you may not be able to find this online any longer soon, as it’s being phased out by Enter the Kettlebell! |
Enter the Kettlebell – If you’re not going to get the Enter the Kettlebell DVD, at the very least get the book! There’s information in here that benefits every girevik regardless of their level. ‘Nuff said. |
Sambazon Acai

Are you dragging a little? Feeling the post-lunch time food coma? Better hit this stuff up. What’s the rage about Sambazon Acai? Just ask the extreme athletes, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fighters, and surfers around the world.
This little berry from the middle of the Amazon is a bombshell of antioxidant properties that no other fruit can compare to.
In fact, we’ll even throw in a little recipe for you. Try this for your breakfast, and you’ll notice that you eat less at lunch, don’t hit the wall in the early afternoon, and start shedding weight a la the Warrior Diet. This nutrition-packed smoothie brings you vitamins, amino acids, fiber, and all natural sugars, keeping you well-nourished and hydrated all in the same powerful punch! Try it, and we bet our bells that you’ll like it!
* 1 pack of Sambazon Acai
* 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
* 1 scoop of Metamucil
* 1 fistful of frozen fruit (whatever you want) or fresh fruit with ice
* 1 or 2 cups of “no sugar added” fruit juice, depending on the size of your blender
Mix all of the above in a blender until well liquefied and enjoy! You’ll find that this kind of breakfast takes far less time to prepare for those of you who live active lifestyles and don’t have the time to cook a sit down breakfast. You’ll find that the cleanup is easier, the prep time is shorter, and the portability of the breakfast makes your life so much more convenient! This Sambazon smoothie sets the tone for so many more positive changes to occur with your body and your life!!!